Phone: 403-578-3661
Staff Directory

Cam Brown

Candice Bussing
Vice Principal
Phone: 403-578-3661

Lori Eno
School Administrative Assistant
Phone: 403-578-3661

Jessica Plehnert

Victoria Horkoff
Gr 1

Tracy Ramsay
Gr 2 & 3

Jenna Golby
Gr 4

Ellyn Schaffner
Grade 5 - Language Arts and Literacy, Social Studies, Art

Nicole Roland
Inclusive Education, Grade 6 and Grade 7

Richelle Roland
Math 8, Math 9, ELA 8, Science 6/7

Stacey Schedlosky
Grade 5 - Math, Science, PE K-5, Option 6

Desiree Bargholz - Evans
Gr. 6 - 12 Physical Education, CALM and Info Pro, Science 8, K - 3 Music

Cam Brown
Social Studies 9, Jr/Sr Options

Candice Bussing
Sr High Biology and Chemistry

Harriet Evans
English 10, English 20, English 30, S.S. 8, ELA 9, Financial Lit 10

Carmen Fearnley
High School Math and Science

Colleen Goodbrand
Sr High Social Studies

Selena Wiart

Kelly Thornton
CTS Instructor
School Support Staff

Trish Kelts
School Guidance/Family School Liaison
Phone: Cell (Confidential) 403-740-5388

Sandy Selzler
CARS Wellness Coach

Jo-Ann Sieger
Learning Commons
Educational Assistance

Nichole Duncan
Educational Assistant

Raina Hickman
Educational Assistant

Stacy Holland
Educational Assistant

Kelsey Rachar
Educational Assistant

Daleney Rock
Educational Assistant

Stacy Puttick
Head Caretaker